Basic Education Administrators' Views On School-Based Budget
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Basic education, administrator, school-based budgetAbstract
Budget practices, which allow schools to allocate resources to realize their own planning, were also given to basic education this year. The given budget allowed schools to plan effectively. In order for the school-based budget applications to be efficient, the opinions of the school administrators who will manage the process are important. In this study, it is aimed to examine the opinions of school administrators about school-based budget practices. In this study, which is based on qualitative research, the case study method was used. Participants were determined according to the criterion sampling method. In the research, the criteria of "requesting an allowance, receiving the allowance, using it and having entered it into the system" were taken as basis. Fifteen school administrators participated in the study. A semi-structured interview form was prepared by the researchers. In the interview form, the participants' branch, gender and professional years were asked. In addition, for the purpose of research; “How do you evaluate school-based budgeting?”, “How do you spend the budget given?”, “In which areas did you receive budget support?”, “Is it sufficient to meet the school needs?”, “Did you use the entire budget given to your school?” and “What are your suggestions, if any, regarding the school-based budget process?” were asked to all participants. The data obtained from the managers were evaluated with the descriptive analysis method. The interviews with the managers lasted between 25 and 50 minutes. As a result of the research, it was determined that the administrators were not given adequate training and had difficulties in this process, and the budget received was insufficient for the expenses of the school.
Keywords: Basic education, administrator, school-based budget.
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