Opinions on the Necessity of Historicalism in Turkish Sociology Tradition of Thought
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Social Structure, Structuralism, Historical Approach.Abstract
Social phenomena differ from natural phenomena in that they cannot be repeated. Therefore, structural problems in societies have been examined by considering some factors. Therefore, the methods of examining structural problems have also differed. In sociology, structure is one of the most emphasized concepts. Spencer, Durkheim and the representatives of structuralist theory considered that the priority of the space, space and structure in which human actions take place over human actions and the basic condition for understanding human actions is structure analysis. At this point, it has been tried to understand how a whole is structured by deconstruction or deconstruction. In Turkish sociology, structural functionalist and dialectical materialist methods was used in the analysis of social structure. These studies has been criticized in analyses of social structure ignore history. These analyses were thought to reduce social studies to descriptivism. In this study, after explaining the structure, social structure and structuralist theory, it was tried to explain why the historicist method is necessary in structural analysis in Turkish sociology. In this respect, the study is a qualitative research based on literature review. With this article, it is aimed to conduct a research on how social structure problems should be examined.
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