Mahalle Muhtarlarının Okula Katkılarına İlişkin İlkokul Yöneticilerinin Görüşleri

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  • Eyüp Rüzgar Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı



Okul yöneticisi, mahalle muhtarı, okul-çevre işbirliği


With this study, the opinions of primary school administrators regarding the contributions of neighborhood headmen to school were tried to be determined. The research was carried out according to the case study from qualitative research methods. Within the scope of the study, interviews were conducted with 8 primary school administrators working in Manavgat District in the 2022-2023 academic year. A semistructured interview form was prepared to collect the datas in the research. The questions constituting the interview form were prepared by taking expert opinion and content analysis technique was applied for the obtained data. N-VIVO program was used to analyze the research data. As a result of the research, it was determined that the opinions of the primary school administrators regarding the contributions of the neighborhood headmen to the school were generally positive, that they contributed greatly to the increase of school-environment cooperation and the achievement of the goals of the school and that the necessary importance should be given to improve the relationship between the school and the neighborhood headman. Primary school administrators stated that the neighborhood headmen also contributed negatively to the school (interfering with the internal functioning of the school, putting pressure on the school administration and teachers, etc.) In order to increase the positive contributions of the neighborhood headmen to the school, they have made suggestions such as frequently inviting them to school, honoring them on special occasions, etc.


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How to Cite

Rüzgar, E. (2023). Mahalle Muhtarlarının Okula Katkılarına İlişkin İlkokul Yöneticilerinin Görüşleri. International Journal of Educational and Social Sciences, 2(2).